Saturday, August 29, 2009
9:40 AM
Prelims over woohoo. As I got down to packing my stuff (since I'm moving), I realised a rather astonishing thing. It was funny how I could throw away so many things that occupied my room and space for so long. Things that I used to hold on to for whatever reasons I could now chuck away like thrash, surprised at myself for keeping them so long. By the way my keyboard feels so awesome I cleaned it yesterday and now it feels brand new and awesome. Anyway, I think it's kinda like a self-worth thing. At that point in my life, recent projects and stuff seemed so big and significant to me, whereas now I have accomplished bigger projects and so those old ones no longer have any worth. The reason why we (or maybe just me) keep stuff is because it defines us to a certain extent, it provides material evidence that we participated in the game of life. As we age however we gain new experiences and new achievements. That's not to say that our old stuff becomes unimportant, I believe deep down everything will hold some extent of sentimental or other value. But it's like a maxwell-boltzmann distribution curve. When we have physical quotas because of physical space and constraint we create a cut off point, an activation energy of sorts. And only things that have value above the cut off can stay. If you haven't realised by now that's a whole load of bull and common sense but yeah I'm just saying it's actually something I wouldn't have thought of otherwise.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
9:04 PM
End of week 1
So prelims this week. Went ok I guess, some stuff could have been better, but then again it always can can't it? Using blogger on chrome... and like it doesn't really load the page properly so I don't know if it's chrome or what but anyway the page I am currently typing on looks very ... bare. Upcoming week of prelims should be much less stressful for everyone, hope everybody does well and yup wish everyone the best of luck. This is kinda a wasted post, because there are things I may want to say but wouldn't say on the blog. So I shall find something else to talk about. Like oscar. Oscar, my dog, is a very nice dog and he's very well behaved and now drools much less than before and he is a very nice dog. New flat will be kinda small for his fat ass though... My fat (actually not really but don't tell him, I want him to think I think he's fat so he'll exercise more) and lovable dog shall come and pollute the new flat teehee. Step 2 of exit 9's road to success with yours truly as a part of it soon to come. Word of advice. When using the school computers and like you start getting someone taking control of the com and like typing extremely weird, kid-sounding messages in the address bar, such as "i can see you and your buddy yapping" or "just stop playing and you and I are cool", you actually should stop playing whatever retarded game it is. Because surprise surprise like the wizard of Oz is just some frail old man, this messed up dude is some chinese gangster punk who gives you face but you spit in his face. Oh darn it, don't waste your saliva. I like my classmates :) and oscar.
Monday, August 03, 2009
9:41 PM
Revelations of the hat in the hat.
I bought my new (or rather old) Zildjian New Beat Hi hats on Saturday! The weekend was pretty hectic and I was involved in a lot of drumming for church and chapel this morning, which went pretty well I think. Yesterday went out with Tai Choo Choo to watch Chow Pei Pei and Zom Zom Li. Had a lot of fun, we had dinner at MOS burger. I'm really thankful for this group of people that God has blessed me with! Lots of people around me have been getting sick lately, and by God's grace I'm still well! Yip-a-dee-doo-da. Get well soon people!!! Ok I suppose I should talk about something important. But before do I CHALLENGE YOU to take the ALON CHALLENGE, which is to actually read this post and tell me what it's about. Do note that I did not get past the 3rd line. This challenge does not apply to KI-ers and especially to the filipino himself. Or H3 Physics Geeks, cos they're well... h3 physics geeks who have too much time on their hands and spend their days playing com and pei-ing com. So my important topic of today shall be ............. HEEHEE I just thought of saying something to do with one of the Choo's but I shall not but I shall still say that I thought of saying this in order to create a shroud of mystery ooooooo. Ok err the topic shall be Physical Periodicity. Physical periodicity is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and every chemistry student needs much help in physical periodicity. That is why you should attend Physical Periodicity Revision lectures, because they are very important. It's a shame that I felt a sudden urge to go to the toilet with all my bags once seeing that today's chem lecture was on physical periodicity. I would have benefited so much from attending the lecture. Hopefully tomorrow I won't get a sudden urge to go to the toilet for an hour. Let me tell you a bit about physical periodicity. Across a period in general, the atomic radius of the element decreases. This is because of increasing effective nuclear charge due to increasing number of protons in the nucleus while screening effect remains relatively constant as additional electrons are added to the same subshell! Amazing isn't it? Ionic radius decreases across the period too, but anions are bigger than cations because cations have one entire subshell less. The decrease is due to increasing effective nuclear charge as well because number of protons increases but number of electrons is the same for the ions. I hope my post on physical periodicity was beneficial. |