Monday, July 28, 2008 , 8:03 PM
a revelation

I want to continue doing anything I can to make my friends happy =)
Today a friend said something to me that made me realise how blessed I am, and how I can be a blessing to others. It never occured to me that as we age and mature such things would become a factor; we never discussed such issues when we were younger. But I suppose we all need some sort of guiding force in life, and as much as God can provide that I feel that we sometimes need an actual person to lead us. There are things that just can't be learned on your own in life and you need somebody to pass on that knowledge to you.

I made it to beijing immersion and very much looking forward to it.

At this point I want all my friends to know that I love you all much much and life wouldn't be the same without you guys.

dang ______'s cute.

Monday, July 14, 2008 , 5:33 PM
i dont know whats the ish.

Congratulations to all my newly invested? councillors. Pay no heed to my nonsense bout elitism and all that crap, I'm just messing with you all. It's nice to have you guys as friends.

Well school has continued to be quite pleasant. I actually got laughs and sleep in chinese today! But there are some things that I'm not very happy about. I don't see why _ should judge what I do, it's none of your business. I'm finding _ increasingly annoying, and it seems as if no matter what I do I'll never be good enough, never meet _ bar of expectation. It's as if I have to limit myself to __ but at the same time not be too close to anybody. So what basically I have to be _ _____?

The blanks don't spell anything, as in it's just a blank, not like a however many letter blank.

On the other hand, thanks to those who are on the flip side of this and actually making my life enjoyable instead of the negative **** I get all the time.

Thursday, July 03, 2008 , 9:52 PM
the 3rd of july

I'm pooped. School's been really great this term, I mean exams aside and stuff I think I feel more comfortable in class than I ever have this year.

Gotten back a few papers, so far it's B for CME (civics and moral education heheheh) and a bare E for chinese. Well I guess I'm quite content, of course theres always room for improvement. And I'm rather motivated to work harder now.

Tomorrow's chinese A level oral. I've spent quite a number of hours with laoshi practising so I do hope I pass. It would suck to have to retake Chinese next year. After which I shall go for Passion AC.

On Monday un-band had a jam. Well we played a few switchfoot songs before eventually making our own version of "afterglow" by finding michelle. After listening to the recording several times Gab and I have concluded that we don't like the tones and sounds, it sounds to Midi like. And there are of course quite a number of mistakes here and there, but overall we think we have musical potential. Thats good I guess.

I'm probably thinking too much into it, as usual. But I just wanna say that its really nice being at the receiving, positive end for once. And that has really made these days a lot more enjoyable. Thanks a lot.