Monday, March 26, 2007
5:51 PM
under pressure
under the influence of alcohol I mean Justin, I am posting TODAY. Anyway here's a rare treat of photos!    OK err pic1 was on the bus on the way to Christalite methodist home, me and ndoo. Second pic demonstrates how scholars "study". And well the third is Cowboy Limzy with his monster dance star Dwee. And the special of the day ...  Yes yes, today was Matthaeus' birthday and well I ever-so-nicely planned a nice surprise for him but apparently he didn't appreciate it. Either that or cos we did the surprise 3 times and sung happy birthday 5 times.. hmm but oh well you can't blame me I did my best. Ok err morning I got some rather funny news HARHAR that did not allow me to sleep on the bus when it was so nice... the pitter patter of rain and ahh but noo I had to stay awake reading messages hmph! Then ok school was just doh, chapel had a really cool speaker Mr Tony Anthony who now owns Mun and yeah I think this may just have been the event to kickstart my spiritual life once again. As usual I became a bimbo during chemistry prac, like really doing stupid things. My brain doesn't seem to work every monday morning (gee I wonder why). Haha I stole the Starch indicator from Matthaeus and like after Lester and I used it I hid it among the other chemicals by removing the NaOH bottle and replacing it with the starch indicator bottle. And he couldn't find it. Lol. Err stupid 20 min recesses, totally slacked during PE, like we went toilet then when we got there everyone was way ahead so we took our time, Andrew take off tie, "sir run how many round", then we jogged at ok speed but second round I got a huge stitch, and Justin already finished his 3 rounds. So I more or less walked half of the third round. And I still beat Sidhant and Avery and Trevor lol. Err during maths Andrew wrote "happy birthday aud" followed by some stuff cough which eventually led to "it's not my birthday" and us singing happy birthday to Matthaeus for the 4th time. After school went christalite med home where I felt quite helpless :( like I really don't know how to interact with them old people, afraid to offend them and language probs. Oh in school Dwee played funny Still-picture music which caused Limzy and I to start acting out some western-clown stillpicture thing, which was quite funny. like the music. That's all. Oh and Justin stop laughing at Jane, she doesn't like p5 girls laughing at her XD
Sunday, March 25, 2007
9:15 PM
I am gonna dedicate this post to a legend. I'm eternally grateful for having the opportunity to witness some of the to-be legends of the NBA like while they develop and play. K-Mart will become a future star. But for this time, it's none other than KB24 (kobe!). KB has scored 65,50,60,50 in 4 consecutive games, joining the company of Wilt Chamberlain as the only player(s) to score 4 or more 50+ pt. consecutive games. Jordan's record was 3. He is also tied with Jordan for second/third 60 point games in their career. The guy is insane. I don't care if his teamates pass him the ball alot, you should see him score. And he would get alot of assists if his mates made shots because well he gets like quadruple teamed. anyway that aside, I shall start with this week. Erm basically drama rehearsals kicked in, and there was this big fuss about Saturday because drama teachers wanted us at drama but we had ATF at ubin for NPCC which was really important. AHH whatever thursday interesting things happened at Burger King with uncle. Thursday during school went CJC for SYF rehearsal. Saturday ATF at pulau ubin, where I "conquered my fear of heights and the dark and learnt teamwork and determination". I also conquered my fear of frikin long rides home because I made my way back via public transport from Changi village to home which is well... far away. Today was rather interesting ... I ushered for 930 then ah ok fine not interesting la. I owe teachers alot of work ... well uncollected work but still work. AND tomorrow going to do CIP at old folks' home. Err ... yesh. KB24 is INSANE
Sunday, March 18, 2007
9:58 PM
Happy Birthday Conrad and Steph
Indeed, March 18 2007 was a rather eventful day. But I shall start with err wow I shall start with the start of this week.
Monday: reported for camp in the morning, stayed till like 630 pm. Didn't do very much, just hung around during drill and like helped pitch the tents and stuff.
Tuesday: Went back to school in the morning and on the way lost my new Shure e2c case ... :( Earphones for those of you who don't know. Yup anyway they costed me a 145 bucks and a huge walk from Funan to Sim Lim on Saturday, strenuous indeed, and I'm wondering why I'm still not well. Yup so anyway had physics at 900, so caught up with friends and stuff then went to Macs for lunch before walking back to school under the shelter of Avery's folds of fat. Came back had a while before Bio where I met Nat and talked to her for abit before Mr See Boon Tiam walked into class which marked the start of an extremely good bio lesson. Honestly it totally changed my impression of mr see and it also helped me to actually be taught something for once. After that went home before going back to school around 700, then yeah had a rather boring night, slept around 3+ am.
Wednesday: Sob sob physics lesson cancelled so I had to stick around for camp in the morning. I left before debrief cos my mom was there already, went home, had a nap then yup had dinner at Far East.
Thursday: Tuition in the morning, then I lazy to go for drum so changed it to Friday instead....slacked around the whole day where by right I think I could have finished all my homework but as the world knows I "don't swing that way" (copy Grace's way of saying things)
Friday: Morning woke up, Conrad came we played ball. Err started off really bad actually, my shooting and confidence really only picked up during the game itself. BUT. BUT. I was quite happy defensively cos despite my stamina and stuff being down I can now put my whole hand on the board, and touch it after laying up!!! Woo. Yup so wah conrad won. THE START lawl. Yeah actually he was leading 3-2 when I took a Timeout, in the game he had a few blocks, one damn nice one, 2 3's. So after the TO I came in and err went on a run ... with my nicest basket of some weird freestyle hang shot thing for my forth point. So in the end I won 11-5, and the sky didn't fall. After that we screwed around a while before playing with some dudes that weren't very good. Was freaking irritated at one of them who was my teamate because he was a sloth and was really useless. Conrad made this damn nice blog on the huge fat guy and I had quite a number of assists, one nice kick out pass to Conrad who drained the 3!!. After that went home, err we went out to PS not knowing what to watch so in the end walked over to Cathay and watched Blood and Chocolate. It was very Covenant-y, like some dunnowho cast and a dark-based plot. Then had subway and then drum ... where I realised that YAMAHA stuff is SUPER GOOD for solos and stuff, but you gotta practise hell alot. Went for band prac where I wasn't too happy.
Saturday nothing happened. Sunday (today) played for worship in the morning, and honestly speaking I felt it wasn't very good. I want to apologise for my horrible tempo and playing for the matter, and I shall go and get myself a new metronome and make sure that I'm much better next quart. And I shall also make sure that my spiritual life picks up, because that IS the key component in being a worship team member. Or actually a christian. But even more so a worship team member. I think sometimes we do focus too much on technical stuff. Like even if worship was seemingly bad, I think God wants us to still be happy with each other and not let disunity occur. Sometimes I feel that some of the older people are abit too expecting, but I don't blame them. Anyway sorry to whoever I pissed off today due to my unhappiness and moodiness. FOB didn't join in the xtrainers event because we had like ... 4 people and no leader. So we played cards then went to PS and ultimately I guess we bonded abit. So PS we went arcade, then thong and steph joined us, then we went pizza hut for a super lame and cheesy meal, then to Meridien for pool, then home. Yup.
Happy schooling tomorrow school people. Get well soon Conrad. and michael. and steph.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
8:05 PM
Firstly thanks to Nicole, Thong, Dwee, Andrew for care and concern yesterday-today. Been sick with flu since yesterday during school where I just died during maths. Today I more or less moped around the house, only felt better after taking panadol at 3 in the afternoon, so right now I'm fine till the night flu pains come around 9.15 I would think. Sad that my perfect attendance for term 1 is gone ... but oh well. Dear classmates I hope to do my Bio test ASAP and hopefully do well so that we may all get the paper back ASAP too. Err anyway recent update got 64 for my Geog test. .. not too happy bout that especially because it pulled my average down to 75 and now like yeah i've got a B in my grades (excluding chinese). Yesterday we had some career day thing so I picked up a few brochures on this and that and I think I'm starting to feel the hype of studying overseas again, and I hope that it will provide sufficient motivation for me to actually start studying and not just rely on intelligence... Err heh, basically I'm really interested in the A Star Scholarship cos I think it'll be very good for my career but I'll have to work really hard. Hmm and I wonder how to keep long distance relationships. Oh well just means I gotta stay single for a longer period. Furthermore, I tried doing lastyears mid yr EMATH paper, and well I think I can only get a max of B4 for Paper 1, which means I must pick up my grades in term 2. Time to start getting 80 min. for all sciences and well see what I can do for humans. I think I'm gonna try doing practice qns for Lit and SS on my blog ... which may be good for readers too I suppose, eg Justin who can actually find out what a literary device is.
Monday, March 05, 2007
6:51 PM
Black Comedy (IB Drama Thing) 16 March 7.30pm $15 - please go with long as you're not some total stranger person. Well apparently quite some time has passed since I last blogged. Whoa quite alot. Ok ok I'll start with Wednesday err somethingth of Feb. 21? Anyway I went out and had a really good time though err didn't get to do very much, show was good, company was good, err yes yes very good. That's pretty much all, I was quite hyped up after the break and not so ready for thursday but thursday came. Alright thursday err... didn't have drum because I had the make up the week before. I really can't remember what I did in school. Hmm. Well something obviously. AH YES I had a little small dispute with someone but oh ok actually not dispute la. Friday: Spent the morning talking, and hopefully now get back to better friends. Had NP after school where thanks goes to Thong for organising a pretty good session of ice breakers. Now I know some of my squad. Then we played ball for RT because well the track and stuff was being used. We wanted to get them to just do like 2 pullups for PT and run like I dunno 800m only but in the end it was some lame unproductive stretching then ball/soccer. I tell you my teammates did nothing!!! Game took so frikin long to end la I didn't want to shoot because must get teammates involved but well they didn't really involve themselves very much. If I'm not wrong I found out that I had advanced to the next round of LSY ??!!!! Saturday: Drum workshop in the afternoon, Jerrold brainwashed me to spend money on an expensive-r set of earphones. Under the influence of peer. well ok not peer but pressure I think I'm going for the ones Jerrold has which are the Shure E2Cs. If anyone knows where to get it cheap please tell me! Then yeah thats pretty much it. Sunday: Normal day, didn't go out with dad so went to play pool. And honestly the first few games I play are super good then I get tired and everything is crap. Monday: Err...Hmmmm. Chapel! Then stuff. I can't remember... For PC we did Class Outing Planning. whoa that was a week ago??!! So fast. OK next day. Tuesday err I also don't know what I did. Wednesday: Went for LSY thing after school and drama. I 'did my best' and as I found out today didn't get through so I'm quite happy. Ate at Yoshinoya! Oh wednesday was the start of very cold rainy days. If I'm not wrong same on Thursday. Oh Wednesday morning had whole school founders rehearsal. Saw *people* taking photos... standing. Very. Cough. Thursday had to go school real early for founders, fought to get Thong a space in the parade which we miraculously managed despite his original messed up uniform. Spent the rest of the time doing nothing and sleeping in the supposed Camp Comm meeting. Friday was fun, very short day by right can go home early but NOOO had to stay back for camp comm meeting. Which was stupid and I didn't do much most of the time cos I was quite angry and pissed, so in some sense it's partly my fault it dragged on so long. Saturday: KINGS BEAT THE ... LAKERS!! WOOHOO Sunday: Ushered for 9.30 and 1130, I ICed for 1130 and err I hope it was ok. Apologies to Nicole and Thong for the mix up I completely forgot bout what I originally said and yeah seeing both of you at those respective aisles I naturally just thought you were going to do those aisles. Went to Vivo for lunch ate carls junior, went to some strange place near little india for dinner but it was good food. Today: Monday week Bs are the best. If you've managed to read down here then congrads. So started with chapel where I pledge to speak up against violence to women!!! Like you know yellow ribbon proje I mean white ribbon :D. Chapel had a video. Erm cough WHAT LADY YOU MEAN THAT LADY IS MY MOM?? Yea yea yea the mother in the video was my mom so I was like burying my face in Andrew... too bad he's not a girl. Then obviously the dazed effect carried on to chem prac. First like i put my hand on a recently heated testube. Then I put my mouth to the err thingthing that you use to bubble gases. And so i washed my mouth with the tap water and wiped it with the lab towel and it tasted even weirder. OK no girl is ever gonna kiss me (again) but who cares. I can kiss lab apparatus!!! Then had maths where we got rather confused over vectors, PE where my stamina is crap but my leg strength is better. Recess where I was abit slow, not getting the "Avery get out of the astroturf if you're not playing soccer" joke, basically saying he's fat. And yeah then had english with a-vita- where I heard the good LSY news. Then PC for some terrorism talk where I honestly couldn't keep myself awake. OKIES byebye